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A man walks into a bar on St. Charles


The Avenue Pub on St. Charles in New Orleans Louisiana is one of the greatest environmental acquaintances I have ever made. I've had the pleasure to be in its company twice and both times were vastly different but incredibly inviting in their own right. The Humid Orleanian night being washed down with delicious Local Beers from not just Louisiana but the states that surround it. Giving me a look into craft beer culture below the Mason Dixon, a difference from the Rust Belt style I’ve become accustomed.

My first dalliance with the Avenue was on a smoldering August night in 2018. A conversation with a bartender in my favorite brewery back home put it on my list, After an early dinner I made my way to this work of art. Housed in an old creole cottage the pub has such an incredible charm, old and divey when you walk in its anything but. Two floors both with dealing personalities, the first having no less than 30 plus taps of some of the most delicious and creative local beer. It can seem both intimidating and overwhelming, and a small kitchen tucked in the back serving up incredible creole and cajun fare.

My first sip was a fantastic nameless ale conditioned on local sugar cane, crazily unfiltered with an incredible mouth feel and dope flavor profile and ordering must’ve given me an in with the staff who became extremely engaging and conversational. I was part of the club! Feasting on shrimp rémoulade, fresh gulf oysters and fried green tomatoes smothered in crawfish tails I gained a perspective. This is what all bars should strive to be damn it! About 4 glasses later I was invited to sit out on the curb with a fresh pour and take in the New Orleans night. No sooner than we got outside a magnificent parade of bicyclist with their bikes decked out in neon lights cruised past us in a beautiful display of rambunctiousness while a thunderstorm carried on off in the distance. That was enough for me, I collected myself ordered up an Uber(the only way to bar hop in the city) but not before bonding over a well-made Sazerac and me annoyingly proclaiming that I’d be back soon…

Soon came 7 months later when I was back in the city for the bachelor brouhahas of my buddy Marcus. And this time I got the day drinking experience of what the pub had to offer, and surprisingly, it was Night and Day (pun intended). What I was excited about getting the ability to share something I love with people I love, and I was giddy and nervous going in, what if they weren’t fans? But soon all my fears unfounded, they loved it!

This time we took the party to the second floor deck, sitting outside on a lazy cool Sunday afternoon drinking unicorns and watching the streetcars make their way up and down St. Charles. It was a total different vibe than what I experienced before, and it gave me a new fondness for the place. Local murals decorated the hallways and the rare beer selection was astonishing, Derek scored a Vigneronne from Brasserie Cantillon and the show stopping Black Damnation XXVI Froggie from De Strussie Brouwers.

Sharing beer and dope ass beer haunts with folk you know would appreciate is one of the best drinking experiences period. Showing off to your acumen to your friends and having them validate your taste is as intoxicating as the beer you drink. The Avenue Pub is legit magic in a city filled with it, the place take such care to curate a massive list but a well poured one.

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